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Tuesday 8 October 2013

'Blackengrey' OOTD


I have been the worlds worst blogger recently but it's all explainable.
I've been in the process for moving for weeks and everything's still up in the air, I've not been thinking about taking OOTD photographs too much, I can barely keep up with college, BUT this will soon change.

I'm going to try and do a blog post at least once a week. Although 4 blog posts a month is quite ambitious for a newbie blogger, so I may just have to settle with 3 a month.

I'm just going to upload this quick OOTD and next week I'll hopefully be back with a 'How I Style' or 'Style Tips' for pink coats! So I hope you hang around for that; now onto the post.


This outfit was pretty simple as I was just going to town for the day; I paired my grey jeans with my black cami vest and a black blazer. I rolled up the bottoms of the jeans to match the androgynous look that is given off by my flat brogues.

My cami vest is from Primark and was a complete bargin, but I'm thinking of investing in a couple from Topshop. I know the sizing and quality of the product will be trustworthy and is worth the £18.

I then completed the outfit with my trusty Zara bag! It's the perfect lightweight bag that looks AMAZING.

Outfit Details

Brogues - Primark // Necklace - Topshop // Rings - H&M 
I'm wearing my everyday makeup.

I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post, apologies for not posting in a while, bad blogger!
I'll be back next week with something a lot more interesting, thank you for reading!

Thank you so much for reading, ciaoooo! ☂
Instagram: theluckybeans
Twitter: CelineNotDion96

Sunday 25 August 2013

London Haul ☂

Last week I actually ventured out of my house for the first time in weeks to have a serious spend up with my college friends in the only place that you should..London!
London is one of my favourite places; I love all the culture and the history, I feel like it's my home. PLUS it's one of the best places to go shopping..buuutttt also the worst; people. Bloody people.

It was 'sale' season in London and I found some amazing bargains and got quite a few items from stores I had never shopped in before! So without further adieu, lets get on with the haul!

So, first thing I purchased was in Mango! Nothing really caught my eye in their store, a lot of the clothing seem a bit 'mature' in want of a better word. But they've got an outlet store on the highest level so we had a look and so much of their stuff was mega discounted!
First off, I found this really cute structured tee; I loved the blue detailing and the fabric is actually insane, it feels so nice! This was discounted from about 20 quid to £4. So I had to pick it up!

I then found this tee which I think would be so awesome for this years A/W trends! I thought it would look super good with leather style riding pants and tartan pumps. Love this! It's super structured and the fabric is amazing; this was a bargainous £14. I love the shape and cut of this but when I put it on I feel like it looks really odd, so I'll have to see how that one goes.

Next up I have the best garment ever made?! I had a look in Bershka; a store I had heard a lot about but hadn't actually been in. A lot of their stuff was really nice but as I was looking out for some bargains I went down to their sale section and this caught my eye. I couldn't quite believe what I was looking at and fell in love with it; then I tried it on. It fit like a glove and was so gorgeous I just HAD to buy it! It was originally 30 pounds and reduced to 15, but when I got to the till it was only 10 quid! So amazing! I am yet to wear it but I can't wait to style it.

Next up, I went to the Topshop concession in Selfridges, (I just wanted the classic yellow bag!), and found this mesh pencil skirt on sale. I don't usually wear pencil skirts but I just loved the mesh detailing on this one and thought it would go with so much, so I'm going to brave it! And for £15 I couldn't pass it up. Apologies for the awful photography; apparently this skirt didn't want to be photographed.

We stopped for lunch then hit up Primark; Oxford Street has to be the best Primark because it literally has everything in there which is great for someone who watches YouTube videos and can never find items shown in the stores! One of the items was this glittery, 90s vest! It's a rough kind of material but soft inside and it sparkles like no other. The picture doesn't show the gold glitter,'s gold. This was £7 I believe and is a great piece. I love the neckline!

The next thing I got in Primark (apologies again for the awful photograph) was this amazingly soft, fluffy cardigan! It's the cosiest thing ever and is perfect for A/W as you just wanna snuggle up in it all day. I got this for £13.

Finally, I got these amazing checkered trousers for about £12. I really love these and they're my first pair of 'proper trousers'. I usually live in jeans and I was going to get a pair of tartan jeggings but I opted for these instead. I'm so happy with them and wore them for the first time yesterday where I paired them with my American Apparel sheer jersey, black leather brogues, H&M blazer and my Zara bag! I will be getting a lot of wear out of these this season.

So that concludes my haul; you will be seeing these being styled in the next few weeks in my OOTDs. I have a few planned! I hope I haven't rambled too much, thanks for reading, ciaoooooo! 

Instagram: theluckybeans
Twitter: CelineNotDion96

Thursday 15 August 2013

A/W Wishlist ☂

Hello! ☂

Today I'm here with another wishlist, but this one is for Autumn/Winter 2013! If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram then you'll know I recently went for a massive spending spree in London. (If you're gonna spend loads of money, do it right, do it in London; it's the only way!). Every shop I went into was full of the latest A/W collections and I was in love. Tartan. Tartan EVERYWHERE. When I got back from shopping I was so inspired and although I had bought rather a lot, I still felt empty inside, (bit extreme), but I was longing for some more stable pieces to complete my A/W wardrobe.

These pieces are quite pricey and I don't need them right away but I'm hoping to save up and get them before it starts getting really cold!

1. I saw these checked jeggings in Zara for £19.99 and was so tempted to get them, but I found a white trouser version in Primark and HAD to get my hands on those. I still want these though and I think paired with a simple tee, it creates the illusion that you put more effort into your outfit than you actually did, haha! Always good when you've overslept and you're running late for college!

2. These are a love/hate thing, but I happen to love them! They're so versatile and would add so much to an outfit and they match EVERYTHING depending on what socks you wear which I think it awesome! I found these on Amazon for about 12 quid! BARGIN.

3. Boots-boots! These boots are so awesome and are being sold almost everywhere; I did have my eye on the Topshop ones but I found this alternative in River Island for £65. Still pretty pricey but a great investment for A/W.

4 & 5. Back to Zara again! I first fell in love with the grey and tan coat when I saw it on their website, I almost died. This one is £80; pretty pricey again but for a coat that's gonna last forever and looks badass, who cares. I went into Zara on Regent Street and found the full grey one which has more of a dressing gown look, and tried it on, fell in love with it..checked the price..£149! So I'm stuck in a dilemma; which one do I go for?

6. You can't beat a chunky scarf! I saw this one in Topshop and particularly liked the grey; I'm thinking it would clash with the grey coat (if I manage to get it) so I do have another option and might purchase the black one; I'm not one for crazy scarves so I like the simplicity of these ones. These are only £16 so it's not too bad!

Wish me luck on my 'saving up' journey and keep an eye for my haul which I shall be doing next week!

Thank you so much for reading, ciaoooo! ☂

Instagram: theluckybeans
Twitter: CelineNotDion96

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Cable Car OOTD ✿

Cable Car OOTD ✿

Apologies for the lack of posts over the past couple of weeks; I would say I've been busy but I'm not gonna lie to you, Gav. (Thumbs up if you got the Gavin & Stacey reference there!) But the fact I've not been doing anything doesn't make for interesting blog posts!
However; a few weeks ago I went to London (favourite place EVER) and had a go on the Greenwich Cable Cars and spent the day on the other side of the river! It was a really great day and would suggest giving the Cable Cars a go; it's a lot of fun and was a super day out.
Now for the good stuff..
This OOTD was very very simple, and probably the wrong choice of clothing as it was an extremely hot day; like the genius I am, I decided to wear black jeans. Why? I have no idea. I also had a leather jacket on me, something I didn't wear for too long, haha.

Sunnies: New Look // T-shirt: H&M // Jeans: Primark 
// Shoes: H&M // Bag: Primark
// Bracelet: New Look 

For this day out, I wanted to be comfortable but wanted to add a bit of stylishness to it; a white tee can work wonders. I feel as though a V-neck white tee would have looked better with this look and maybe flat chunky boots but we mustn't dwell.
I love these little tennis shoe pumps as they go with almost any outfit and I loved the monochrome in this outfit.

To add a bit more detail I also added a gold chain bracelet! As for my hair and makeup I kept it very simple for a casual effect! 

London is my favourite place and in the next couple of weeks I shall be venturing up there with my college friends where we're gonna do some serious shopping! That'll be a most interesting post! 
I've put a few photos down below of the trip if any of you are interested!

Thanks for reading! Ciaooo! ✿

Instagram: celinenotdion96

Twitter: CelineNotDion96

Monday 15 July 2013

Liebster Awards ✿

So I've got quite an interesting post for you guys..(if any of 'you guys' even exist!). I've been tagged in a post for the Liebster Award which allows small time bloggers to network with each other and gain some attention and some possible followers!

The aim is to answer 10 questions that have been asked by the person you've been tagged by; you must then create 10 new questions for the blogs that you're going to nominate! Simples. This allows possible followers to get to know you a little better and for you to get to know your blogging friends better too!

  • Each tagged nominee should answer the 10 questions set by the blogger.
  • Choose how ever many bloggers with under 200 followers to pass the award on to, make sure you link them in your post.
  • Create 10 new questions for the tagged nominees.
  • Tell them about their award.
  • No tag backs!

My answers to HeyLolita's post:

1. If my life were a movie, what character would I be? 
  • Erm, Gwen Stacey, obviously(!) I could spend all my days kissing Andrew Garfield.
2. If I could have one super power, what would it be?
  • I'd love to be telepathic, like Professor X; just 'cause, Professor X.
3. What is my most embarrassing moment? 
  • I have loads of embarrassing moments, a lot of them just being in awkward social situations!
4. If I could spend one day with one person, living or dead, who would it be and why?

  • I can't possibly answer this!!
5. What is the best gift I've ever received? 
  • I honestly can't choose, I receive awesome gifts from all my friends and family but I do remember when I was still in Primary School, my best friend, Katherine and I had become obsessed with this magazine called Luna Ka and looking back now, it had some tack things in there, but we loved it! One thing that we were both drooling over were these neon coloured fishnet, fingerless gloves; legit 80's hand candy. I kept making jokes about her getting them for me for my birthday but I didn't for one second think she had got them. Then when my birthday came and I saw these bright blue fingerless, fishnet gloves I actually couldn't believe my luck! As soon as I opened them I swung my arms around her for a hug, I don't remember being as happy with a present as I was then! Ha ha, always the little things!
6. If I were Prime Minister for a day, what laws would I create? 
  • I don't want to get too political here but I would make the prison laws a lot more strict like they are in the U, S of A! Like, sentencing for crimes and all that jazz! I'd also make same sex marriage 100% legal in the UK! I don't care what the priests have to say about it, ha ha! 
7. What was my last dream about? 
  • Even if I could remember it, I wouldn't be able to explain it in a million years! 
8. Favourite piece of clothing I own? 
  • It would have to be my trusty New Look jeans that are sadly falling apart! Also, my American Apparel tees!
9. What is my dream job? 
  • I don't know the technical name of the job position but I really would love to work as a stylist or in Fashion Communication!
10. Who is my favourite celeb? 
  • I don't know if I would call Andrew Garfield as celeb, as I think that's an insult to his acting skills. But yes, Andrew Garfield! :3 He's my bby. 

Bloggers I'm nominating!


1. What are you most likely to do on a sunny day, when not working? 
2. What would be your ideal pet? 
3. Favourite nail varnish? 
4. If you were given £100 and had to spend it in half an hour, what would you buy?
5. What type of comedy do you like?
6. Favourite beverage?
7. Favourite thing you own from when you were a child?
8. If you were on death row what would your last meal be? 
9. Favourite makeup brand?
10. Which celebrity would you most like to have brunch with? 

Thanks for reading! Ciaooo! ✿

Instagram: celinenotdion96
Twitter: CelineNotDion96

Friday 28 June 2013

June Wishlist ✿

Hello guys!
This week I'm here with my June Wishlist; it's not as extensive as I had originally anticipated but I'm happy with the selection! I've been loving the colour white this summer as I feel like neons compliment it really well; there is a very minimal theme running throughout that I've been really loving. I've been reblogging the hell out of similar images on Tumblr; if you're interested, click here!

1. These shoes are so adorable! I found them on an American website called, karmaloop. It's not a website I would usually go on, it's not really my style but when I saw these shoes I just fell in love. I feel like they're great for this seasons trends but are unique at the same time, which is always a bonus! £45. They've also got these on Urban Outfitters in the sale for £50.

2. I've wanted a Celine tee for ages, I kind of went off the idea for a few months but I feel like seeings as my name is Celine, I'd be a fool not to get it. ;) At least if people ask my name I don't have to speak, I can just point at my top! Ha ha! On a serious note, I think it's a great simple piece that goes with just about anything! I found this for about £8 on eBay!

3. Topshop, I officially love you again. I went off Topshop for a bit when they started bringing in their crops tops left, right and centre but I was on their website a few days ago and came across this gorgeous sheer tee; covered in daisies! I think it's so perfect, I love the subtlety of the daisy trend in this tee; I'm thinking it would look great with my luminous triangle bra underneath! (Check my instagram for photos here) £26

4. THIS. Oh my. Everytime I've gone into a H&M store, I can just see this fluorescent green, floor-length kimono. It is gorgeous. It's £14.99 which is quite a good deal in my opinion and is just so kick-ass. It would look good over anything, little summer dresses, high waisted shorts and skirts; even calf length jeans and trousers.

This lipgloss is quite a unique thing for me to be putting on my wishlist purely because I'm not a big lipgloss wearer or lip makeup wearer but something about this just really pulled me in! I'm thinking of a crochet white dress with little sandals, round sunglasses and orange lips. So perf. It's £5 in the Topshop sale. 

6. Holographic nail polish!! I've been looking for somewhere to buy this for a while and I saw a post from CutePolish on instagram and I got the brand name, then went on to Google and found a result for Amazon; god love internet shopping! It's £5. 

7. Flipflops! I always buy Primark sandals or flipflops for the summer but I really wanted to invest in some good quality ones. My aunt wears these and I've always really liked the style; so simple. They're Havaianas and their design just adds a bit more luxury to simple footwear. These are £18 on Karmaloop but I'm pretty sure they're sold elsewhere. 

So that concludes my wishlist, I hope you enjoyed this style blog post; I would really appreciate some feedback!

Thanks for reading! Ciaooo! ✿

Instagram: celinenotdion96
Twitter: CelineNotDion96

Sunday 16 June 2013

Everyday Makeup - Summer ✿

It's nice to see you, to see you, NIIIIIICEEEE.
Bit o'Brucie to lighten up your day there. You're welcome.

Today I've decided to do an everyday makeup post to show you the contents of my makeup bag and what I put on my face during the warmer months. Now I do say this is my summer makeup purely because of the foundation that I use; because lets face it, Britain isn't getting much of a great summer as of yet. Why I oughtta! But I shall continue regardless.

Some of my makeup products do need a bit of a re-vamp and I do need to purchase some new items but for now I'll show you my current products! I will do an updated makeup post in the future.

Here's mah faceeee. This is what I usually look like on a day to day basis. It's very basic, sometimes I opt for eye shadow but that's a rare occasion.

Also, for anyone who's wondering my t-shirt is from American Apparel; neon trend - ON IT.

Before I start talking about my makeup, I would just like to give a shout out to my makeup bag. I'm just IN LOVE with it! My Mum got me this for my birthday in April this year, it's £10 from Superdry and you can purchase them here. They sell them in all different colours and really worth the mullah. 

So, I always start off with my daily skincare routine, wash and moisturise, then I start off with my base. I use the Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation which I have been loving! It's by far the best foundation I've tried, I have a review on my blog if you want to check it out! HERE. To apply that I use my Real Techniques stippling brush; a brush that I covet. I really need to try their other brushes because I'm so impressed with this one and I've heard great things about their blending brush. 

After that I apply my cheek makeup, that includes blusher and bronzer. My bronzer is by MUA and cost like £1; for the price I wasn't really expecting much but it's okay. But like most drug store bronzers (apart from the Borjois one) they're either glittery or really orange. In my case, I've got an orange toned one. It suits me well and doesn't look too orange but I need to invest in Hoola by Benefit or Laguna by NARS. I've been lusting over the Nars one for a good few years now..I think it's time I got invested. I also use Peach Melba by Natural Collection for my blusher. It's very similar to my bronzer colour so sometimes it doesn't show up too well, but I prefer a peachy tone to a really pink one. I use a random Bobbypin brush for both; it's nothing special but it works for now; as I say I need to invest in some more Real Techniques brushes!

After I've applied my face makeup I go onto my eyebrows! Filling in my eyebrows is my favourite part of doing my makeup; I just love creating the shape! I use a Vital Radiance brow powder, I'm not sure what the brand is like as I found this at a market; haha! The colours suit my hair colour and it stays on during the day! I don't feel the need to purchase a new brow powder anytime soon. I also carry a little eyebrow plucker with me; this one I got for Christmas a few years ago and it was from Hawkin's Bazaar funnily enough and it's AMAZING. Best one I've ever had.

I then go onto my mascara and eyeliner; I don't always wear eyeliner as my eyes are very watery and it tends to run under my eyes. The one I'm using now is by Rimmel London and is meant to be waterproof and long lasting; it does no such thing! I don't know if it's just my eyes or if it's just a crap product but Tanya Burr said it was good so technically I blame her. Haha! I also use a Tanya Burr recommend mascara which I also like! It's The Falsies Winged by Maybelline. I really like the winged effect but I would prefer a more volumising mascara, so I think I'll also have to purchase They're Real or BADGal by Benefit! I think a major makeup splurge is in order!

This is obviously very basic but it works for my for my everyday makeup! I know this was a very chatty post but I hope you enjoyed it! I would really appreciate a few comments telling me what you would like to see next; I'm thinking of doing a wishlist post or How I Style.  

Thank you so much for reading! I'll be with you next week, ciaoooo! ✿

Instagram: celinenotdion96
Twitter: CelineNotDion96