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Monday 15 July 2013

Liebster Awards ✿

So I've got quite an interesting post for you guys..(if any of 'you guys' even exist!). I've been tagged in a post for the Liebster Award which allows small time bloggers to network with each other and gain some attention and some possible followers!

The aim is to answer 10 questions that have been asked by the person you've been tagged by; you must then create 10 new questions for the blogs that you're going to nominate! Simples. This allows possible followers to get to know you a little better and for you to get to know your blogging friends better too!

  • Each tagged nominee should answer the 10 questions set by the blogger.
  • Choose how ever many bloggers with under 200 followers to pass the award on to, make sure you link them in your post.
  • Create 10 new questions for the tagged nominees.
  • Tell them about their award.
  • No tag backs!

My answers to HeyLolita's post:

1. If my life were a movie, what character would I be? 
  • Erm, Gwen Stacey, obviously(!) I could spend all my days kissing Andrew Garfield.
2. If I could have one super power, what would it be?
  • I'd love to be telepathic, like Professor X; just 'cause, Professor X.
3. What is my most embarrassing moment? 
  • I have loads of embarrassing moments, a lot of them just being in awkward social situations!
4. If I could spend one day with one person, living or dead, who would it be and why?

  • I can't possibly answer this!!
5. What is the best gift I've ever received? 
  • I honestly can't choose, I receive awesome gifts from all my friends and family but I do remember when I was still in Primary School, my best friend, Katherine and I had become obsessed with this magazine called Luna Ka and looking back now, it had some tack things in there, but we loved it! One thing that we were both drooling over were these neon coloured fishnet, fingerless gloves; legit 80's hand candy. I kept making jokes about her getting them for me for my birthday but I didn't for one second think she had got them. Then when my birthday came and I saw these bright blue fingerless, fishnet gloves I actually couldn't believe my luck! As soon as I opened them I swung my arms around her for a hug, I don't remember being as happy with a present as I was then! Ha ha, always the little things!
6. If I were Prime Minister for a day, what laws would I create? 
  • I don't want to get too political here but I would make the prison laws a lot more strict like they are in the U, S of A! Like, sentencing for crimes and all that jazz! I'd also make same sex marriage 100% legal in the UK! I don't care what the priests have to say about it, ha ha! 
7. What was my last dream about? 
  • Even if I could remember it, I wouldn't be able to explain it in a million years! 
8. Favourite piece of clothing I own? 
  • It would have to be my trusty New Look jeans that are sadly falling apart! Also, my American Apparel tees!
9. What is my dream job? 
  • I don't know the technical name of the job position but I really would love to work as a stylist or in Fashion Communication!
10. Who is my favourite celeb? 
  • I don't know if I would call Andrew Garfield as celeb, as I think that's an insult to his acting skills. But yes, Andrew Garfield! :3 He's my bby. 

Bloggers I'm nominating!


1. What are you most likely to do on a sunny day, when not working? 
2. What would be your ideal pet? 
3. Favourite nail varnish? 
4. If you were given £100 and had to spend it in half an hour, what would you buy?
5. What type of comedy do you like?
6. Favourite beverage?
7. Favourite thing you own from when you were a child?
8. If you were on death row what would your last meal be? 
9. Favourite makeup brand?
10. Which celebrity would you most like to have brunch with? 

Thanks for reading! Ciaooo! ✿

Instagram: celinenotdion96
Twitter: CelineNotDion96

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