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Friday 13 July 2012

Prom 2012 ✿

Hello bloggers!
I'm back..although you probably hadn't noticed I'd disappeared! 
My last blog post was on the 10th of's now the 13th of July. Sorry about that.

Anyways, since my last blog post I experienced my End of School PROM. It was an amazing evening and I had so much fun! Everyone looked stunning, although some of the dresses were a bit OTT and there was FAKE TAN OVERLOAD. Having said that, it was awesome to see everyone dressed up in all their finery. The boys also looked pretty dapper, apart from the ones who looked like they were going to a wedding! I preferred the whole suit and trainers kinda look.
Me and my friend Nathan!
From Left to Right: My bestfriends, Tyler and Nathan.
Then me on the end in dusty pink.

From Left to Right: Nick and Shane, n'awww. Lauren who looks like she wishes she was somewhere else. Chloe looking very tall and mermaid like. Little old me! Then my bestfriends Tyler and Nathan looking very happy indeed! 

Now, onto transport, as you can imagine there were 
plenty of limos, I myself was a victim of this vehicle catastrophe. I'm not too keen on limos myself but I was with a group of seven so we didn't really have much choice - I would have much preferred a nice old looking car or a VW camper! Having said that, it was such a fun experience and being inside a limo is so much fun! Other transport included a yellow sportscar which was cool and a few stretch hummers! There were also a couple of boys who turned up in a lorry which certainly stood out! 

Our pearly white limo!
I had my prom at The Olde Plough House in Brentwood. It's a lovely looking place inside, there are tall panelled ceilings and lovely gardens! The food on the other hand wasn't so great. For our starter we had a Melon Fruit Salad. I don't even like melon anyways but the other fruit didn't look so great - it was very watery and I didn't even get a whole segment of was more like a slither. (':  For the main course we had, what looked like, grilled chicken with roast potatoes and carrots. Thank god there was gravy because that chicken was so damn dry! Everything was very bland and tasteless! They did provide us with salt which I could of used to my advantage but I didn't know we had any on our table as it was covered by the stupid laminated piece of paper saying "Table One"! Finally, for desert we were given cheesecake! Yay - something yummy at last..I was wrong. I have NO idea what flavour it was meant to be. Caramel? Vanilla? No idea. It had a weird orange thing on the top which made me want to barf and a piece of white chocolate. So strange. All in all, the meal was pretty mediocre but as the night went on I had a fantastic time dancing with my friends! 
The Olde Plough House

From Front to Back:
My art buddy Majlinda then Chloe! Tyler hidden behind Chloe pulling a funny face!
Me, in the pink with red hair, then my other art buddy Poppy and Year 7 & 8 friend Hayley! 

I had such an amazing night, if you're considering prom then definately go!
It's a wonderful experience!
Goodbye Secondary School!!

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